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Safe Holi For Kids
2019-03-18 4409 Views

Safe Holi For Kids

Safe Holi For Kids

Clothing: Wear comfortable cloth, covering the skin. To protect the sensitive part of the skin of your child from the external agents, full-sleeve tops and long bottoms can be worn.

Pre-preparation: Prepare your child before going to the grounds to play Holi, apply cream/oil all over the body of your child and ensure no powder or gel gets stuck to the skin.Even oil the hair of the child to shield it from the harmful effects of the color.

Go-green: Use organic homemade natural colors which would cause less harm to your child.

Gel-based colors are better: Ifyou must use synthetic colors, gel-based colors are better than powder colors. Again they are softer on the skin, easy to wash off, and cannot be inhaled like powder colors.

Water gun protocol: Guide your child not to use the water gun directly on anyone's eyes or ears. Tell them how vulnerable eyes and ears are and ensure the safety of others.

 Ban water balloons: Try to ban water balloons and do not allow your child to play in the area of water balloons. They might be fun to play with water balloon but it can cause tremendous injuries when hit hard.

Dental caps: Use of dental caps to protect teethes of your child from unnecessary stains are always preferred.

Get the goggles: Colors can be very harsh on the eye. Get your child to wear funky goggles and guide clear instructions of eye damage or infection.

Colors should be Kept away from the Mouth: Make sure that you teach your children to not put colors in their mouth. These colors contain harmful chemicals, which if consumed may cause severe reactions like vomiting and can even lead to poisoning.

Stay hydrated: With changing climatic conditions, it is necessary to stay hydrated by drinking water before, after and while you are playing with colors. Water can keep the harmful chemicals from being immersed into the skin and helps to get rid of excessive toxins.

 Post- celebrations: Clean the colors on baby and do not allow it to be on the baby body for too long after the celebrations are over. Use warm water and apply a mild soap to remove the colors and prevent any skin allergies. Do not rub the skin too much to remove the colors.

Emergency contacts: Always have the list of emergency contacts information on your mobile so that incase of any emergency scenario or mishap information can be addressed immediately.

Keep an eye on your child: It's crucial that while your child is playing Holi, there should be an adult for supervision at all times. Moreover, if there is a large drum or tub being used to supply water during the festival, children being unsteady and head heavy are likely to fall in.

Educate: At last, educate your child, not to waste too much water and always supervise your children and around them.